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Dr Tamara Voninski is a photographer, filmmaker, visual editor, educator and writer. She is based in Sydney, Australia. 
Her photographs have won international awards and residencies including: International Pictures of the Year Awards, Art Gallery of NSW residency at Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris and the inaugural Alexia Foundation Photography for World Peace grant. Her work has been exhibited nationally and  internationally. Voninski is a founding member of the Australian based visual storytelling collective Oculi (2000-present). The Paris based Agence VU represented her work throughout Europe 2002-2020. 
She received a practice-led PhD at The University of Sydney (Sydney College of the Arts) researching the liminal space between photography and film (2020).  She is a Sessional Academic in the Masters of Film and Screen Arts program and also teaches  undergraduate courses in Screen Arts at the University of Sydney (2016-present).
She was recently awarded the International Artist Residency at Pedvale Art Park in Latvia in 2024 to work on a new project.
She was also awarded a Residencia Artistica Virtual from Fotocreativa BA (Buenos Aires, Argentina) from December 2024-February 2025 which will culminate in an exhibition.
Interview Latvia arts television feature- artist residency 2024:



Email: voninski@oculi.com.au
